Filipino Intercollegiate Networking Dialogue (F.I.N.D.)
The Filipino Intercollegiate Networking Dialogue (FIND Inc) is a coalition of campus-based Filipino student organizations that promotes unity and cooperation at East Coast academic institutions of higher learning.
In 1993, GWU's Philippine Cultural Society helped form District VI of FIND, becoming one of its pioneer members. Since then, GWU PCS has been part of the 10-school coalition of District VI in FIND.
Other school members include:
Catholic University of America,
George Mason University, ​​
Towson University,
University of Maryland Baltimore County,
University of Maryland College Park,
United States Naval Academy.
Being part of District VI of FIND allows GWU PCS to work collaboratively with other Filipino cultural student organizations to promote and preserve Filipino culture, to further awareness of issues pertinent to the Filipino community, and to pool the efforts of Filipino organizations together for collective action.